E-Commerce website B2C

Here we have some ready package that you can choose as per your need it will delivered fast with backend system where you can manage every things for your site, For CUSTOMIZATION you can request throw contact us we do custom coding also we can do whatever customization you need.

PHP Technology (WordPress)

$950 USD
  • Custom Layout & Responsive Design
  • Banner Slider Home Page
  • Search
  • Advance Search
  • Sign Up, Sign In, Forgot Password
  • My Account
  • Wishlist
  • Shopping Cart
  • Product Listing
  • Product Detail Page
  • Product comparison
  • Multiple Product Image
  • Write A Review
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  • Guest Checkout
  • Single Page Checkout
  • Discount Coupon
  • Abandon Cart
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Shipping Methods
  • Testimonials
  • Newsletter
  • FAQ
  • Contact us
  • Sitemap
  • SEO Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Feedback
  • Blog

  • Order Now

PHP Technology (Laravel)

$1950 USD
  • Custom Layout & Responsive Design
  • Banner Slider Home Page
  • Search
  • Advance Search
  • Sign Up, Sign In, Forgot Password
  • My Account
  • Wishlist
  • Shopping Cart
  • Product Listing
  • Product Detail Page
  • Product comparison
  • Multiple Product Image
  • Write A Review
  • Email To Friend
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  • Similar Products
  • Latest Arrivals
  • Best Sellers
  • Guest Checkout
  • Single Page Checkout
  • Discount Coupon
  • Abandon Cart
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Shipping Methods
  • Testimonials
  • Newsletter
  • FAQ
  • Contact us
  • Sitemap
  • SEO Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Feedback
  • Blog

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Microsoft Technology (.NET Core)
$4550 USD
  • Custom Layout & Responsive Design
  • Banner Slider Home Page
  • Search
  • Advance Search
  • Sign Up, Sign In, Forgot Password
  • My Account
  • Wishlist
  • Shopping Cart
  • Product Listing
  • Product Detail Page
  • Product comparison
  • Multiple Product Image
  • Write A Review
  • Email To Friend
  • Share on social sites
  • Similar Products
  • Latest Arrivals
  • Best Sellers
  • Guest Checkout
  • Single Page Checkout
  • Discount Coupon
  • Abandon Cart
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Shipping Methods
  • Testimonials
  • Newsletter
  • FAQ
  • Contact us
  • Sitemap
  • SEO Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Feedback
  • Blog

  • Order Now

Java Technology

$6550 USD
  • Custom Layout & Responsive Design
  • Banner Slider Home Page
  • Search
  • Advance Search
  • Sign Up, Sign In, Forgot Password
  • My Account
  • Wishlist
  • Shopping Cart
  • Product Listing
  • Product Detail Page
  • Product comparison
  • Multiple Product Image
  • Write A Review
  • Email To Friend
  • Share on social sites
  • Similar Products
  • Latest Arrivals
  • Best Sellers
  • Guest Checkout
  • Single Page Checkout
  • Discount Coupon
  • Abandon Cart
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Shipping Methods
  • Testimonials
  • Newsletter
  • FAQ
  • Contact us
  • Sitemap
  • SEO Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Feedback
  • Blog

  • Order Now